Why having balanced insulin levels is vital for your energy (and waistline) in Menopause and beyond


You might have noticed since turning 40 weight is accumulating around your waist and you haven’t changed your diet or exercise routine. There are a few reasons for this including reduced oestrogen levels (which changes where fat is distributed), a decline in lean muscle mass and with sleep disruption the motivation to exercise may contribute to weight gain.

One of the mechanisms between the change in levels of oestrogen and weight gain is due to oestrogen’s role in improving insulin response or sensitivity.  Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas which helps glucose to enter the cells of the muscles and liver for energy. If glucose is unable able to enter the cell or does so but in small amounts, the cells are then resistant to the effects of insulin which can contribute to increased abdominal fat and difficulty in releasing excess weight.

In addition to changes in weight, high insulin levels contribute to fatigue as glucose is a preferred fuel by cells and hot flushes (with other triggers including coffee, alcohol, spicy meals, and stress). Over the long-term if unchecked, insulin resistance can develop into type 2 diabetes mellitus. To give you an indication of prevalence in Australia, in 2020 approximately 1.2 million Australians were living with type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, as we enter midlife and beyond it is essential to eat in a way that fuels your body and balances your blood glucose levels so that aren’t easily gaining weight. The time or spacing between meals and eating, composition (protein, fats and complex carbohydrates) and portion size have direct effects on insulin levels and how rapidly a meal will convert to glucose.

When you eat in a balanced way for your metabolism you have more energy, fewer cravings for sweet foods, feel satiated after eating, without feeling bloated and gaining weight around the middle.

The Metabolic Balance® program has assisted many of my clients with these issues and being individualised to you means that your plan will include foods that will help with your metabolism, weight and hormones.


If you wish to find out more about how this program can support you, please contact Melisa.

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